To RFP or not?

Posted by Soumya Prakash · Feb 03 · in · about Business

Preparing to roll out an airline RFP or still wondering whether or not to put your flights out to a full airline tender? To help you make the most appropriate choice for your business and its travellers, UNIGLOBE Travel experts nail down the key factors to consider. Read on!

1.Travel spend

Has your flight spend increased or decreased? An increased spend may be an indication that you should consider talking to some airlines. Your UNIGLOBE expert can help you carefully evaluate your travel spend and advice on the next steps.

2.Current deals

Evaluate your deals in context of the current regional and global economic environment. If your existing fares and terms are favourable given the market situation, it is advisable to renew the contract with your existing supplier rather than going out in the market.


Concentrate on the key routes for your business where there are competing airlines. This will provide you the real negotiation potential to focus your efforts where they yield maximum impact.

4.Spot buying

If your travellers attend regular meetings with times that rarely change, spot buying restricted fares should be the way to go. Working with a travel expert like UNIGLOBE gives you the overall buying power to negotiate the best airline deals. These could spell considerable savings for your business.

5.Resource and knowledge

Last but not the least, you should connect with your UNIGLOBE Travel expert who has an in-depth understanding of the marketplace to not only simplify the whole RFP process but also crack you the best deals out there.

More questions on RFP? Call your UNIGLOBE expert now!

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